Summer’s upon us

It’s almost summer. Not exactly my favorite season, but it’s the time of year where academia is often set aside in favor of making memories. A precious time that I think we should all spend heeding to the natural process of a typical school calendar. The weather is nicer, nature is in full bloom; there really isn’t anything bad about the summer– save for the excessive heat, the fact that it’s not spring, etc.

But, that’s beside the point. School has been an excuse for me to not do a great deal of things that I’ve a passion for. Writing, for one, has been on a hiatus since last winter. Work, combined with school and the many changes in life that occur around this point in a person’s life, often kept me pretty busy. Whenever I did have time to write, I was either depressed or focused on indulging in some sort of time-wasting activity in exchange for instant gratification. And if any of the previous conditions mentioned happened to be false? Well, for those moments, I don’t really regret the time of writing I lost. I’ve made more friends and acquaintances to become a part of my life narrative. I’ve spent time developing as a person through the diversity of opinions. I’ve spent time sulking, but I’ve also spent time being picked back up by loose words of inspiration others tossed about, unbeknownst to them. I’ve been inspired by a collaboration of moments that I have experienced in the last year. Obviously, we all change, but I’ve seen the changes directly affect some of my writing.

Now that I’m a little older and have a job and some money under my belt, I have less excuses to not do the things that I am passionate about, I’ve no excuse to let words and moments slip by, lost in the trickle of time. I’ve no excuse to let my goals be restricted to the tick and tock of the clock, and I’ll be damned if I let a few of my fears stop me from experiencing the world.

But, I really just wanted to write something at this very moment because I have the chance to do so. Often, I realize, I’ve had the chance to do so many things. Every day I waste previous minutes that could be spent being productive and splashing my mental ink; the task that is desired isn’t always the one that I should be dwelling on, but I’d be a fool to not acknowledge that I’ve let the idea of the future keep me from making it happen right here and right now.

It’s good to be back on the pages.

Until next time.

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